Shindengen Push-Pull solenoids are designed as coils packaged in highly permeable steel with a flange that acts as an auxiliary magnetic pole. The Shindengen design delivers a large force for its size with push or pull action. Offered with standard life cycles of 2million, and long-life designs that can achieve up to 10million cycles.
Small Push-Pull Solenoids are most popular for applications that require light weight, fast movement and durability in a small space.
The following illustrations represent popular applications for Shindengen Push-Pull solenoids.
APPLICATION: Diaphragm Pump
A standard Push-Pull solenoid is used to drive the pump with precision at high speed.
APPLICATION: Drive Roller Lift Mechanism
Illustration represents the use of a Standard Push-Pull solenoid as part of a drive mechanism for a card reader.
APPLICATION: Pen Plotter, Pen Lift
A Small Push-Pull solenoid is used for the pen lift mechanism in a pen plotter application.
APPLICATION: Friction Brake (1)
A Standard Push-Pull solenoid is used to drive a drum type friction brake.
APPLICATION: Friction Brake (2)
A Standard Push-Pull solenoid is used to drive a band brake.